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[Sticky] Join our global campaign for World AIDS Day!

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1 Users
Dear Youth LEADers,
Join our global campaign for World AIDS Day!

The Interagency Task Team on Young Key Populations, including Youth LEAD, Youth Voices Count, UNAIDS RSTAP, UNESCO Bangkok, and UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub are collaborating with Y+ Global on a global World AIDS Day (WAD) Campaign. This year, our campaign revolves around the theme: ‘Let Young People Lead.’  Our campaign aims to emphasise the pivotal roles that communities and young people play in the HIV response.

Want to be part of our campaign? Read below!

1. For video submission 
Our global campaign includes developing a video to highlight the voices of youth leaders around the world. To participate, you can send in a short video clip of no more than 1-minute summarising you thoughts on the guide questions to help you with your video:

  1. How do young people lead in the HIV response in a way that is inclusive and impactful for YKP communities?
  2. What are the challenges that young people experience in responding to HIV and how do young people address them?
  3. What are your hopes and expectations for the future of the HIV response, with a focus on community and youth involvement?


  • Record a video of yourself summarising your thoughts on the above questions using a camera/phone. If you are using a phone, please ensure to record the video in portrait/vertical position.
  • The video should not be longer than 1 minute and should be in MP4 format. 
  • Please email your video to Bloom ( with your name, pronouns, organization (if it is applicable), and your country.

2. For social media quote cards
In addition to a video, participants can also submit photos of themselves including a quote answering the question:

What are your thoughts on the power of youth-led initiatives and the critical role of young people in the global response to HIV/AIDS?

Participants can be from YKP community leaders, activists, advocates, and UN agency representatives.


By submitting your materials, you agree to allow the Inter-Agency Task Team on Young Key Populations and their members, including Y+ Global, to use your materials for communications and marketing purposes. Your submission may be developed into social media postcards or videos and shared widely on their social media accounts. Additionally, your materials may be featured on their website, news article, or newsletter, which will be released in the days leading up to World AIDS Day or around early December. If you have any concerns about how your image or video is being used or shared on social media, please speak to one of the partners involved in the campaign.