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Call for YLOs to participate in the 7th Asian and Pacific Population Conference

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1 Users

We are inviting you to apply to join The Seventh Asian and Pacific Population Conference (APPC) happening this November 2023. It aims to address population and development dynamics including issues such as  socioeconomic inequalities, disrespect for human rights, ageism, shrinking labour force, population ageing, and increased internal and international migration.


The conference is organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Asia and the Pacific. It will be held at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok and online from 15 to 17 November 2023.  


CSOs and youth-led organizations are invited to apply to participate in the Seventh APPC and preparatory CSO and Youth Forums. Please click K">here for more information and complete the B">form. Find a PDF version of the application form o">here. Please note that there is a deadline of 5 October.


More information can be found in the UNESCAP website page here: k">